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COVID 19 Update

As we all are reminded, COVID-19 is a major disease that is spreading quickly through cross-contamination, etc. We at Kimberella Parties are doing our best to keep our customers and employees safe during this rather uncertain time.

We are following the Centers for Disease Control’s guidelines as they recommend the use of masks, as well as social distancing. We clean all of our products (bounce houses, slides, tents, chairs, tables, games) and add sanitizing products to ensure safety to customers and Kimberella staff.

As you have your party, we recommend the following based on the CDC’s COVID-19 prevention steps.

Ensure that all attendees of your party do not have any of the following symptoms:

Fever or chills


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


Muscle or body aches


New loss of taste or smell

Sore throat

Congestion or runny nose

Nausea or vomiting


If any party attendee does have any one of these symptoms, they should leave the party immediately and contact a health provider for self-quarantine steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Continuing, we also do not recommend allowing or inviting people with underlying medical conditions to ensure their health and safety.

We also recommend putting out a few bottles of hand sanitizer, as well as a hand washing station to ensure attendees are staying safe, and reducing the risk of the cross-contamination of COVID-19.

Obviously, at a party we usually don’t distance ourselves from others. But, now is the time more than ever to keep a safe distance from other party goers to ensure everyone's health. You must remember that people without symptoms may still have the virus and can spread it.

So thank you to everyone, who helps keep each other safe during these extremely difficult times. 

Stay safe and healthy.

© 2009 Kimberella Parties LLC


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